Thursday, 3 July 2008

Gender Roles lets blame the media yet again!

Adverts are something if we're honest that bug most people, but if your remote is fucked like mine then sometimes you just watch them,lol...and I could not help but notice the dozens of adverts that have so many old fashioned views on family life and gender roles, when here was me thinking it was 2008. One ad that bugged me to no end was the anti smoking around your kids ad which yes thats a good message (even tho my mum smoked and I don't but hmmm ok) but this ad showed all the things your kids do whilst copying their parents and apparently men work on computers and play golf and shave and read, while women push prams, cook and like putting makeup on, (grr) . The one before last there seems to be what more kids are copying anyways getting themselves knocked up right and early let alone smoking!

All washing up liquid ads show women as mothers and wives saying this stuff is great for my kids clothes and my husband "blush oh he's such a messy beast" basically depicting that single men walk around in 5 year old stained pants and sporting shirts with stinky pits, as clearly only if you have a x chromosome are you capable of looking after your own hygiene lol! this sends stupid messages about men and women and kids that are growing up now in a very diverse changing society and still watching this old fashion sexist bullshit and sexist to both sexes I think.

My GF got very annoyed at another ad by 'fairy liquid' that showed all the things your hands can go through, so yet again it was a woman's hands. She was peeling potatoes, scrubbing a carpet, and cycling( the last one must of been when she was fleeing her cave for more potatoes to please the master!) come on! when is any company gonna make an advert that shows modern families, intelligent single men and women and maybe even a few alternative lifestyles, (sway.... faint, they aren't wholesome my dears! pronounces the consumer village appointed idiot)

We now live in a society that apparently has made more girls want to aspire to be a WAG( wife and girlfriend of footballer) or a glamour model when the higher percentage used to be teachers,lawyers and Doctors/Vets. These adverts just remind me this every day and I know that media has had a direct link to the down fall of peoples gray matter changing to a bloody green mush, so why oh why do they keep plugging this 1940's crap but with less style into the adverts, where women are just home keepers, heat readers or half naked for dick heads to wank over, and the adverts are crap about men too they depict them as stupid as they can not care for themselves and they only live on pot noodles and beer and love football and like driving down big hills in a car! when last time I checked alot of men out there are not stupid and are not living in a box eating a pot noodle waiting for a woman to feed them and clothe them and some don't even drive cars, shock!.

I have decided every time these ads come on tv I am going to close my eyes and chant very loudly " I am a woman and I hate cleaning, and celebrity magazines and I will read a whole grown up novel and not faint because it's not on cooking or glossy ahhh!" over and over till I calm again and watch a nice documentary about other ppl that whine as much as I do, or I cld get up and change channel but wooo thats radical.


Anonymous said...

With that fairy liquid ad you left out that she was also hanging up the washing on the clothes line, which is also quite old-fashioned in this day and age of dryers. Maybe the woman wouldn't have to buy fairy liquid that protects her hands every week if she'd just invest in a fucking washer-dryer combo and let it do the bloody work for her. Does she live in a friggin cave or what?

Blackrat said...

yes she does all women do, where the wash and think themselves lucky that men are around to buy them dishes to clean.and the men live in boxes eating noodles and reading nuts in their stain pants. oh I just got possessed by a advert writer, spooky, phew that was scary.

LOL x :)

Anonymous said...

Eww, what kinda stains? I dread to think what they're fantasising about if they're reading nuts.I doubt it's: "ooh that's a nice footballer. He's got a fine ass. I must give myself a little treat whilst I check out his nads". Lol. More likely it's the woman in a football outfit but with big tits, lying on a new sports car and holding a bottle of stella artois while holding a sign that says I'll do your dishes after we're done, big boy! Lol. Aw bless her cotton socks, the poor love and her empty head swathed in most-probably blonde hair and too much fake tan.

Darren said...

I am man, I make fire, I chain woman to kitchen, I provide the money, she make me food, I make child with her grrrrr.

It's all so terribly sterotyped these days, and like Donna said HELLO 2008????

I still can't cook like, but that's because I am lazy lol!!!

LMAO @ Petrina and the stains reaction :)

What the hell is Nuts anyway?

Unknown said...

nuts is one of those lad culture mags that u have to be brain dead to read, yah.

Darren said...

Ah like Gay Times for str8 men lol!!! Nah at least Gay Times has some kind of curent affairs thing going on. Better still Attitude!

Oh dear god Nuts sounds like a gobshite fest!!! LOL