Wednesday, 4 June 2008

reality television

Ok was is the craic with all these reality tv programs? they are all terrible. There I was watching desperate housewives ( yes ashamed I do watch that) last week or so and  it was announced as the titles rolled by that the show was going to be off till autumn because big brother was about to start, the show has not ended yet on channel 4 buts has been fully filmed already so there was no need for this break in the middle of a series for "reality crap" . 
Every year this happens with channel four and every other channel it owns, like e4 and more 4 and so on , every well written show is pushed aside for this apparently popular drivel that is BB , ch4 used to be known for its ground breaking documentary's and its hard hitting dramas, where would we be without shows like queer as folk etc , and other shows that changed opinions, shook a few people up and enlightened hundreds of viewers?
Oh but now we have bblb and the high lights , the diary room uncut and the live coverage all day of them picking their noses and farting in bed and then the edited versions on at night,its bloody  everywhere! They pick the most ignorant and uninspired bunch of losers then wait for them to fight , mate, and get drunk. If i wanted to see this I would stand around outside clubs like the Bot or Fly for feck sake. I mean  I will really be a happy bunny when people get sick of reality tv and they start letting the writers and directors have their jobs back and tv broadcasting is dangerous and informed and cultural and important since it is what most ppl spend their brains wages on.


Martin Robinson said...

I completely agree!

Blackrat said...


Blackett said...

well I sort of agreeish, kind of. During the summer is when television watching drops in the millions so Big Brother is a good way to fill the summer schedule and not spend too much money so that they can produce their cutting edge programming. And I feel as a broadcaster they are getting back to their mandate.

When it comes to desperate housewives that was a balls up because of the writers strike. When channel 4 bought the series they were told they would only get ten episodes that is why the series was delayed to later in the year, but when the strike resolved itself sooner than expected a further nine episodes were produced, so its not really channel 4s fault, however they should have re scheduled rather than canceling for a number of months.

When it comes to the Big Brother spin offs it does become a bit ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Donna on this one, though I do see David's point. I can understand that as a media corporation designed to make a profit, then putting quality television on during the summer when half the population are out sunning themselves in Benidorm, or getting all leathery on the beaches at home, is a bit pointless. It has always been the case in Channel 4's history that they air the season debuts for hit TV shows in January so that they have run their course by the summer and we have always had crap TV in the summer, even before Big Brother, so yep David you got a good point.

However, as Donna points out Big Brother is a cross-section of the worst that the UK and Ireland has to over. Every year we see stupid, moronic, dumbass tossers shagging each other under the table, or we see a fat ho who looks like Miss Piggy on a bad day giving blow jobs to stinky overweight bald guys, eww. Alternatively we get riveting discussions about whether chick peas come from chickens or how much fun blinking is (remember Helen season 2). Like most other people in the world I was initially attracted to reality TV by the fascination of watching people who for the most part are too stupid to remember they are constantly being watched. But you know what...Big Brother is sooo 2001. Nobody gives a crap that Davina shoots out a sprog to mark every season or that some silly bint whose name ends with the suffix -elle is trying to learn to sing so she can destroy music as well as giving impressionable young girls the idea that their only purpose in life is to marry a gay footballer and spend lots of money on hoop earrings, hotpants and fake tan. Big Brother can be held solely responsible for the dumbing down of Britain and Ireland and now to boot it is responsible for the removal of a decent show from our screens. Grr argh and damn them all - Big Brother must die!!!!

Blackrat said...

well said now take deep breath and walk away from the explosives :)

Blackett said...

I totaly agree that it is a tired format now and should cease to be, but they have bought it for two years so they can't not make it.

This year is probably going to be the worst and most dull as at the moment channel four are trying to get £150million from the government to help them be all educational and the like. If they were to have another racism fiasco or worse it would put that pledge into jeapordy, so they are playing it safe/dull.

I think when the contract is over we will see one of the more obscure channels down the epg showing it and then it will slowly filter out of the public eye. Just wait in ten years time you will be saying 'do you remember big brother? I kind of miss it' lol

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, could you imagine if that were true... I hereby forbid my future self from ever missing Big Brother!!! ;-)

Darren said...

Big Brother is the worst 'reality' show that has ever been spawned by Channel 4! I mean come on! All it is a gateway that feeds that dark voyeristic side to mankind! Who the hell in thier right minds wants to sit and watch a bunch of people that you don't know firting, shouting, crying because they don't want to be there (WHY APPLY THEN??)

I totally did Petrina's last comment, and I see what David is saying too. I know that in the past I have been privy to watching Big Brother, I mean I'll never forget Nikki and Pete or Nadia or Jade - but where are they now? They just are a bunch of no-bodies that think they are going to become something (Jade as fallen from grace).

Celeb spin off's are good I think because it raises charity for good causes, but it's always a bunch of D-Listers that usually only do it to be put into the limelight again.

Evil that Desperate Housewives has been stopped - just annoyed because I'm an American Television whore!

Down with Big Brother it should have been cancelled ages ago!

Kris said...

*blushes* I enjoy watching it...

Blackrat said...

thats ok kris I'll forgive you lol, it wld be ok if they had a channel that was just for reality programs I just don't like that they took off show's from a usually quite good channel over here.

Darren said...

Thats such a good idea, a reality tv show channel :). Would cut out all the having to miss your favourite programs.

I am afraid to watch BB incase I get sucked in, that ALWAYS happens that's why I avoided it like the black death last year.

And Kris no one is dissing you for liking a programm :)